Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Four Weeks Already

Time really does fly. I've already been in Hong Kong for four weeks and it feels like I arrived yesterday.

Although it still feels a little bit like a long vacation I'm surprised at how quickly I have acclimated to life in Hong Kong. I still get the occasional culture shock or "ah-ha" moments, but in general i'm not as phased by the Eastern culture. It's still fun looking at all of the differences between the East and West and understanding what an amazing opportunity I have been given, but over the past four weeks I have definitely found a new level of comfort here in my new home.

We often joke that we're practically locals (I don't think this could happen unless I spent years here) but in all reality I no longer have any issue getting around and things that were once a little scary or annoying are now part of everyday life.

Life here is clearly different than that at home but I'm loving every minute. I think it's going to be more of a challenge getting used to life in the West again. The only withdrawals I'm having is for better tasting/ healthier food. I would also love to sleep in my big soft bed. The so called mattresses of the dorms are getting a little old.

I can't wait to continue my adventures over the next four months here in Asia!

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