Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Hotdog is a Sausage...A Bar is a Club!

Today was another full day of exploring and getting errands done.

After falling asleep without dinner the night before around 7 and waking up at 6 I was very ready for the canteen to open at 8.

I had a normal breakfast of eggs and toast. Others in the group were a little more adventurous and got the noodles with "sausage". Corey quickly discovered that in Hong Kong a sausage is actually a hotdog.

After breakfast we had a mandatory team building/orienteering activity at the university. We had to go on a scavenger hunt around the school and find certain buildings. My team finished in record time and ended up winning!

City U provided a dim sum lunch after all the running around. At the lunch we were welcomed to the university by the dean and met some other faculty. I struggled with chopsticks the entire meal...hopefully I improve soon otherwise I'm going to get very hungry!

All of the food was great but dessert was the best. I had some sort of mango sauce rolled in shredded coconut.

We cleared our plates, had a short prize ceremony (1st place got a City U shirt), and then a group of us headed out to finish some errands.

We went and got passport photos taken for our student octopus cards, signed up for organized activities (Chinese New Years party, sports on a Monday night, a hiking trip, etc.), and got a few groceries for my room from Taste.

The long day of running around was tiring but successful. I took a short nap and then got ready for the evening.

A group of North Americans (all the IU kids and some Canadians) made plans to eat at Mr. Wongs in Mong Kok and then head to LKF (the clubbing area) after.

We all met up around 7:30 with a much larger group than we anticipated (a few Frenchies, Norwegians, and Swedes tagged along too) and headed to Mong Kok on the MTR.

The walk through Mong Kok to the restaurant was unbelievable! The area has a lot of shops, a lot of people, and a lot of lights! It felt like daytime outside because the lights were so bright.

The fifteen minute walk was a sensory overload...particularly the deep fried tofu food stand (half our group including myself gagged at the smell as we walked past). Apparently the tofu is stored in feces...this is something I don't plan on trying after learning more about the cooking process.

Finally we arrived at Mr.Wongs. To our surprise it was not the name of the restaurant but instead a reference to the owner, Mr. Wong. He's a very entertaining guy who loves to joke with internationals.

For $50HK we had all you can drink beer, a makeshift table cleaned personally with Mr.Wong's spit, beautiful tarps (see the picture) that decorated the alley we ate in, and some seriously delicious food! Apparently in HK the more trashy looking the restaurant the better the food!

The walls of Mr. Wong's
I found out after eating that the broccoli we ate was stored at the back, next to the dumpster, and on the floor...but hey I'm not sick yet!

Next stop was a night out in LKF. We took the MTR to central and walked to a club called Play. Some of the boys had to go and buy pants because they were refused entry in shorts but eventually we all got in.

The theme of the night was jaeger and flip cup. Five of us formed a Team North America and were ready to dominate the game.

Before playing seven of us took a quick "Hong Kong" shot and to our surprise the seven shots cost almost $100US...oops. That was definitely the first and last as apparently not everything in Asia is cheap.

We failed at flip cup (in our defense the cups are not solos and are definitely harder to flip).

Team North America 

Next stop was the 7 Eleven for cheap alcohol and then we walked the streets of LKF. We were shown a place called China Bar which was more like a club where there were crazy lights and some semi decent dance music. After a lot of dancing and a first successful night our we caught the red cab home and slept for the night!


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