Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I hope you get your napin

We survived day one!

After only four hours of sleep the Hoosiers met up and decided to conquer Hong Kong together.

With poor directions and no sense of direction we set out to find campus and collect our welcome packs. Every correct turn was a huge sense of accomplishment and we successfully made it to the college of business (quite quickly I might add). The strangest thing about this whole experience is that we are now the minority...as Corey, another IU student, puts it we're the Intees (international kids).

After collecting some paperwork and drinking a Ribena juice box (YAY! Loving the UK influence). We set out to get all the necessities for a five month stay. On the list was...

1. A working HK cellphone
2. An Octopus Card
3. Student ID
4. Bedding
5. Towels
6. Bathroom stuff
7. Detergent
8. Hangers
9. Bottled water
10. Toilet paper

Paul and I enjoying our Ribena

Before we could really do anything else we all set out to find some authentic HK breakfast food. With no English on the menu it was a bit of a guessing game but I managed to score some delicious beef an noodles with an egg on top and some lemon tea

We headed to Festival Walk which last a huge shopping mall and tried to find some cheap cellphones. Without much success we headed back to our dorms and kidnapped John's local roommate Ken. He was a huge help. Not only did he help us find phones, SIM cards, and the MTR station he agrees to take us to Ikea in Sha Tin.

After a long shopping trip and riding the MTR for the first time we walked back to the dorms an ate in the canteen...definitely not the best food. I did get to use some of the Cantonese that Ken taught us though. I now know how to say hello, thank you, sorry, and toilet. I'm practically fluent! Paul and I also found out that jet lag makes communication difficult. Hoping to get his "nap in" I politely offered him a "napkin". Probably was more funny at the time but jet lag will do that to you.

After finally getting my lost bags we met up again to go and get our student IDs. Tired and cranky we made one last stop to Taste, the grocery store. We got all of the toiletries on our shopping lists without breaking the bank too much.

Lucky for Paul and I we got cheap green tea TP... Not sure what it will be like but I can only hope it improves the bathroom.

After a little unpacking and room organizing I am finally all moved into room 1404B Hall 10!

My little room!

New bedding and comforter

Our shared bathroom

Side note...the bathroom took me 15 minutes to find on the first night...who would have thought it would be in our room. I was looking for a communal one at the end of the hall!

Common ground

The view from the end of my bed!

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