Sunday, January 6, 2013

And so it begins...

My 24+ hour journey has finally begun!

Mom and Dad dropped me off nice and early to the airport and helped me get all checked in. You would have thought that with all my travel experience no help was needed but last minute hugs were a must and who else but Dad would pay for my second bag (thanks!). Fi also played the system and snuck a few extra shoes into my bag just after it had been weighed.

With my fully stuffed duffel and backpack I said my last goodbyes and headed to security

Of course my bags were ripped apart by TSA...they just wanted to add to the experience.

No rules broken though. My camera just looked a little suspicious stuffed at the bottom of my bag.

After a quick repack I headed to my gate which of course was at the end of the concourse.

I'm now waiting to board the first of three planes today.

At least the hour flight to Chicago will be a nice warmup for the 14 hour flight to Beijing!

Location:Indianapolis Airport


  1. Ha ha Fi knows how to work that system! We came back for two more hours sleep, moo says bye,and be safe x

  2. Good luck Hattie! So excited to hear all about your adventures! Be safe, love you!
