Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Busy Week

I cant believe that I've been in Hong Kong for almost three weeks! Time is flying by here. All in all it was a boring week at school but a great week for meeting new people and learning the places to go on nights out. 

Here is the night life schedule of a typical exchange student at City U....

Monday: Billy Boozers- a little "pub" just a 15 minute walk from campus. All the exchange kids go here for cheap drinks, a fun dice game, and the convenience of having a 7 Eleven next door to the pub. A little trick we've all picked up on here in HK is to pre-game hard and if you're running low on booze money stop in at 7 Eleven to buy cheap drinks. I survived my first Billy's experience. I may or may not have gotten in trouble with a security guard though for using the men's restroom (but hey when you've got to go you've got to go- there is always a line for the girls!)

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday's at Tequila Jacks. $10HK dollar tacos and $30HK margaritas. I didn't make it this week but the tacos were supposedly delicious! 

Wednesday: The BEST night of the week. Ladies Night in Wan Chai. This is honestly one of the best nights I've ever had. First of all, the drinks for girls are FREE all night long. Sorry guys but for once being female pays off!

Haley and I now also have new names and hometowns thanks to an interesting encounter at Big Pizza but it adds to all the memories i'm making here. That's another great thing about Wan Chai and ladies night- Big Pizza. Probably some of the bust drunk food were going to get in HK. Needless to say I will return next week.

Thursday: Lan Kwai Fong (LKF). A very popular night out for ex-pats and students. There are tons of bars and clubs all in one little spot. This week we had our first free cosmo experience at Dolce Vita 1997, raged in China Bar, and got given a light up bow headband by some random guy! 

Friday: LKF- Free drinks in Wan Chai first! 

Saturday: LKF

Sunday: Catch up on sleep: the sleeping/partying schedule here in HK is ridiculous. I don't think anyone under the age of 25 goes to bed before 4am. 

I'm having a blast here and I can't wait to meet more people and make tons of memories! 

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