Tuesday, January 29, 2013

You Know You're In Hong Kong When...

I've come to the conclusion that although I may not be learning in class here in HK the city provides so many other learning opportunities and "ah-ha" moments that the so called missed learning in school is balanced out.

Here's another list of some things I'm learning while I study in this fabulous place...

1. There are mirrors everywhere! Either HK residents are extremely vain or they like to let you know that you should take more pride in your own appearance

2. You are NOT allowed to talk in the library. I forget this a lot and get some pretty dirty looks.

3. What shouldn't be expensive is (almost 10US dollars for sliced cheese) and what should be isn't.

4. Everything is tiled. Buildings, streets, walkways. Literally everything has little tiles on it. Seems like a giant waste of time to me...

5. Locals giggle at very strange things. I've come to the conclusion that they are pretty immature and don't know how to hide that.

6. Fire alarms and school bells or a mixture of the two seem to be constantly ringing.

7. Taxi drivers are often clueless as to where we want to be taken (this of course is due to our poor Cantonese) but if you want to get out an try finding another cabbie who knows where you want to go they start driving with the door half open (yes this actually happened to me).

8. The common rooms (well at least on my floor) are filthy. I know that I'm a neat freak but the level of cleanliness is questionable I'm sure for many Americans. Someone told me its because all the locals are used to maid service at home and don't know how to clean up after themselves. Not sure if that is true or not.

9. The green skittle in skittles candy is apple not lime flavored! Definitely a great find!

10. There are major English translation fails everywhere.

11.I love this city more and more everyday!

Tonight is a girls night in. We're making an Italian dinner (chicken alfredo with broccoli). It will be nice to finally have some vegetables that aren't drenched in sweet and sour sauce or extremely salty! Haley and I of course are also sharing a bottle of chardonnay!

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